Jumaat, 10 Jun 2011

Hachiko, the Faithful Dog

Har ni ak nk citer skit psal ksah sekor anjing y bernama Hachiko. Ak rs da rmai yg thu psal anjing nie and da dimoviekan pon. tp ak xksah , ak nk citer gak.

ak lg selesa tulis dlm english untk kisah ni .

Hachiko was born in 1923 and was owned by Eisaburo Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo. The professor used to take a train from shibuya Station everyday to go to the university. Each day Hachiko accompanied the professor to the train station when he left for work. Upon returning, the professor would find the dog patiently waiting for his masterand wagging his its tail. This happy routine continued until one fateful day in 1925, when the professor was taken ill on the job and unfortunately died befora he could return back. However, seeing that he wasn`t coming back, Hachiko waited till night fell and returned home. The next day hachiko went back to the station again, waiting for his master to come back. He patiently waited till sunset and then returned back home. The dog was so devoted to the professor that he continued visit the station everyday for the next 10 years! the people who passed the loyal dog each day were so touched by his story that they erected a statue in his honor on 1934.

    In 1935, Hachiko died at the very same spot where he used to wait for his master.

jd ap ak nk smpaikan di sni ialah,kita sptotnya taat segala perintah TUAN kita, ALLAH TA`ALA memndangkn kita tlh mngucapkan klimah tauhid.jd mrilah kita jenguk kembali ke dlm dri kita , sedlm mna ksih syg kita trhadp Maha Pencipta kita. renungkan...

Sumber cerita: partially extracted from wikipedia and Fabulous Travel. com

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